5 Things you need to ship your twin clothes with ease!

5 Things you need to ship your twin clothes with ease!


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Let's keep it simple. Because honestly, shipping your adorable twin and triplet clothes out is super easy! Below you'll find 5 items that are helpful to have on hand once you start selling.  Here goes! 

Poly Mailers

For the price and convenience of packing, these have been the best product we've found for packing little twin and triplet outfits in! You can stuff so much into them and the quality is great! 

Self Adhesive Shipping Labels

These self adhesive shipping labels are one of the handiest things I have.  I love being able to just print out the shipping label and stick it right onto the packages to toss in the mail box! 

Digital Scale

I would recommend if you're shipping more than two twin or triplet outfits in a package to have a digital scale. In the event that you don't have enough postage, it will be returned to you to add more, adding an extra step, and extra cost you'd likely avoid if you had one!  



This is the exact printer I have in my house tucked under my desk. I use it for more than just printing shipping labels and I love the wireless functionality of being able to print anything directly from my phone or computer without having to connect any cords! If you're looking for a new printer, this one is pretty amazing for the price! 

Packing Tape

If you want to keep it to the basics, and just want to print and tape, go for it! You don't need fancy tape either. As long as it sticks, you're good! 


And that's it!

Once you have everything together you'll feel more comfortable shipping out your twin or triplet clothing and making money as soon as it hits the new MoMmas door step!

The way to a girl's heart is through her mailbox

For an easy, simple list of shipping items 
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SameSame Kids celebrates the joys of mothering multiples, and we only share products a real life MoMma has personally used and loved; primarily {me!}. We may receive a commission if you buy but please know that is not the actual intent for placing links to amazon or other affiliates. It is simply to help make it easier for you and to take out the guesswork when getting a recommendation on an actual tried, true, and loved product.