
There are two?! What do I need to buy?!

I hear you MoMma!  

When I first found out that I was pregnant with twins, I panicked.  Then I did what everyone else does when they don't know what they're doing….log onto the internet! Ha! 


I joined a few twin mom groups on Facebook and it was the best thing that I could have ever done! Those MoMs became and have continued to be my secret village.  Even if I don't need anything, just seeing their posts and comments encouraging and loving on other MoMs, makes my heart explode!

{If you're not in a Twin MoMs group, find one! Or join SameSame MoMs!! Its the safest place to be when you have zero idea what you're doing!} 

But other than playing the game, ‘What's this rash?' or throwing out a complete solidarity meme to a fellow Twin MoM, what I love the most about these groups are how helpful and kind they are when you're feeling alone and stuck! 


I found when reading other twin MoMs posts that I found recommendations that I didn't even know I needed. It is one of the best way to see what other MoMs in our same situation are doing, and it helps me stay on top of my game!


There were so many great posts from fellow twin parents who's twins were older than mine and knew exactly what I was going through! Not only did they share tips about how things were going in regards to health and development but also included some handy suggestions on how to make twin life easier! 

A lot of those twin recommendations would show up on my feed before my babies were at such an age but since I didn't want them forgotten about completely I created Amazon Lists for each category: Infants-One Year Olds; Two Years Old & Up…and so far 3 years in!

So I thought, why not share all my tried, true and loved products that made and is still continuing to make my MoMming life easier just like those MoMs before me shared with me! 

I've compiled a very organized list of things that will help you with whatever stage you're in! 

An idea list I know you'll love!

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